reaches 13% in Service Point
Tvikap reaches 13% in Service Point Tvikap investment company AB based in Sweden, was announced yesterday that it has increased its presence in the company Service Point Solutions to 13% of its share capital from 10% to had declared last June.
Tvikap, which is represented by José Manuel Arrojo on the board of directors of the company for reproduction, said he did not rule out expanding its presence in its shareholding to around 15%. BUSINESS
As anticipated Tvikap plan in Service Point is making a strategic investment to control up
reaching 20% \u200b\u200bstake in the company of reprographic and documentation. Yesterday defended the investment fund increasing its presence in the capital
Service Point on the grounds that it is "a company with a recurring business, and a special counter-cyclical management team."
investment in the company led by Juan Jose Nieto is the second of Tvikap in our country after the one held in Amper, where poseee currently 21% of the capital.
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