Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mandatory Overtime For Call Center Philippines

Simax + Martan-The simulation applied to training-

was awarded the Best ICT Cluster Technology Project, the incorporation of our simulators

Simax in their educational processes. Here you can find a video introducing the project:

Martan from 601

Audiovisual Productions on Vimeo .

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pic Of Woman In Girdle

Fixing the Warning MSB3247 when to compiling. Net Applications

Found Conflicts Between Different versions of the Same dependent assembly

" when compiling your application, it's Because You Are referencing Different versions of an assembly in Two Different project of your solution. In my case, it was a


reference, which was not properly updated when switched to .Net Framework 4.0, and still was pointing to the 2.0 version of the System.Drawing DLL. Visual Studio won´t tell you which reference is causing the issue ( it’s admitted by Microsoft dev. team that they will probably include that feature in the future

), so you have to search for it manually. It will tell you anyway in which project the wrong reference is, so you only have to look there.


Aged Women 60 Big Boobs

Presentation of the book The Moorish poet. De Rojas Zorrilla the secret author of a comedy about Mohamed, Ridha Mami

Dear Friends

Next Tuesday, December 21, 2010 at 19.30, will be presented book The Moorish poet. De Rojas Zorrilla the secret author of a comedy about Muhammad of Ridha Mami published by Pygmalion Edypro at English University Foundation (C /. Alcalá, 93, 28009 Madrid. Tel: 91 431 11 93).

Speakers at the event:

Gustavo Villapalos Salas, Professor at the UCM and Director of the WAS, Mohamed Ridha
Kechrid , Ambassador of Tunisia,
Juan González-Barba , Director General of the MFA and writer,
Chokri Mabkhout , Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Univ Manouba (Tunisia),
José Ignacio Ruiz Rodríguez , Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Univ of Alcalá, Antonio Evening
, Professor, Univ of Oviedo,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club of Spain ,
and Ridha Mami , Professor, Univ Manouba and author of the book.

act at the end of English wine will be served.

I hope. Pygmalion

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53
Email: Info@pigmalionedypro.es

Ridha Mami (Sousse, Tunisia, 1964), a PhD from the University Complutense of Madrid, Professor of English Language and Literature at the University of Manouba Tunisia and literature specialist aljamiado-Moorish. The author of a long series of articles and research, among others, his book manuscript 9653 Moorish National Library of Madrid: Edit, linguistic study and glossary (2002). Among its research and teaching including English literature, comparative literature and history of the English language; Articles are published in various journals. A member of the IAI (International Association of English scholars) and Tunisian exponent of Hispanic and AIS (International Association of Semiotics). It is part of the steering committee and drafting of the literary magazine Fragmenta.

The Moorish poet. De Rojas Zorrilla the secret author of a comedy about Muhammad
The book we have in our hands gives us a broad initial study, with abundant materials that serve as basis for the attribution of life and death of Muhammad a false prophet Moorish in its language kept quite a few traits of the Semitic structures. It is a fascinating search for an author without relief, against the shadow of one of the greatest playwrights of the environment Calderon de la Barca. Editing the text and bibliography enable us to see the extent and variety of knowledge from teacher Ridha Mami, whom we thank you available to scholars a text which will undoubtedly attract interest and make you think. Carlos Alvar

University of Geneva
I are very convinced by the conclusions reached by the Prof. Mami, who had to write comedy Life and death of the false Prophet Muhammad (published in 1642 but represented years ago) it was Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla, but a disguised protection Moorish theological taqiyya. The taqiyya or dissimulation, endorsed by the Koran, trying to save the integrity of the individual in times of danger or persecution and allowed him to abhor his faith but keep their true belief in the heart. Zorrilla, an artistic environment playwright Calderón de la Barca, was the author of The False Prophet Mohammed (1640), a work that openly polemic against the faith of the Moorish marginalized minority. Cota Emilio in 1911 had accepted that the life and death of the false prophet Mohammed, also attributed to Zorrilla, had always inspired "suspiciously", and Prof. Mami charge just to show that the illustrious Hispanist was right.
Luce López-Baralt

University of Puerto Rico

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baltimores Gay Cruise Areas

and activation code obfuscation Windows applications Report Phone 7

this video taped for Channel 9 .

Introduction This article describes the steps necessary to protect the source code for Windows applications


(both XNA and Silverlight), and include them reporting on their use. For this, use the Dotfuscator tool Windows Phone Edition

in version 4.9, recently launched by Preemptive Solutions in collaboration with Microsoft . First, it is necessary register and download the tool from this website

. Once email is received by the serial number needed to activate the program, only remains to launch the application: Start -> Programs -> Preemptive Solutions -> Dotfuscator.



Dotfuscator Professional can be integrated into Visual Studio 2010 as a project type more Dotfuscator

Windows Phone Edition is a standalone application with its own user interface:

image As shown in the image, the operation is simple. Comprising:

Main Menu toolbar with typical options to load and save a draft obfuscation

    Button with green Play symbol in the toolbar, which begins the obfuscation of the code selected and generate protected versions of the assemblies or programs.
  • configuration tabs: Settings
      • : Application General Settings
      • Input: Selection of what we want to protect assemblies or executables on the project. The
      • rest
      • : configuration properties for each of the features provided
      • Dotfuscator
    Adding assemblies or executables
To get started, the first thing is to tell Dotfuscator

which assemblies or executables to protect. To do this, you just have to go to the Input tab

and click the open folder icon. Classic box appears file selection dialog, where you can select:

    Assemblies (libraries)
      • runtime DLL (Applications) type. EXE
    Windows Deployment Packages Phone (DLL libraries contain, content, etc.), type
      . XAP
        . This will be the option to be used in the present example.

Note: If, as is the case, we are working with Windows Phone project (and XAP files), Dotfuscator will only work with the assembly that is in those files. The content will be protected or modified at all. Once you select the XAP package to protect its contents appear in the bottom window down a tree:

unfolds image If any of the DLLs in the package, there will be some properties of activated obfuscation in the form of CheckBoxes. One of the most relevant, according to the objectives of this article, is called


image Keeping this option checked (default is checked), Dotfuscator leave all names and types public methods without renaming (without obscuring). Private types will be renamed itself, and the entire contents of the methods obfuscate, but the names that are visible from were left unchanged.

This is necessary when a library, despite being obscured, will be used for any other software later. If you change the names of the public types, the interface of the library would be different, so it would no longer be usable from the outside. Output


Dotfuscator generates protected versions of what is selected in the Input tab


For assemblies (DLL) generates DLLs

    protected executable (EXE), generating EXEs
  • For
  • protected Windows packages Phone (XAP), generates packets protected XAP
  • By default the output directory is the same where the input assembly, plus a sub-folder created by the program with the name

. However, this behavior can be changed in the Settings tab -> Project Properties -> ConfigDir. Applying basic protection

Once you have selected the project

inputs, you must select what type of protection is applied.

Although each type of protection can be configured in depth (in their respective tabs) and can even apply different behaviors for each method or property, first apply a generic configuration in the Settings tab

. By default, all protections are disabled

, appearing as follows:

Disable Flow Control: Yes Disable

    Linking: Yes
  • PreMark Disable: Yes
  • Disable Removal: Yes
  • Disable Renaming: Yes
  • String Encryption Disable: Yes

image For basic protection, it is essential to enable obfuscation

Flow Control and Renaming . In some cases it may also be interesting to activate the Encryption String , especially if the application contains protect strings containing sensitive. To activate each function, we must tell Dotfuscator NOT disable them, ie to values \u200b\u200bsuch as: Disable Flow Control: No


Disable Renaming: No.

Flow Control Flow obfuscation control is responsible for making it more difficult to understand code, through changes in program flow. Although the end result is still equivalent to the functional level, make changes so it is not at all obvious where you're going to play pass the implementation, thus interfering with reverse engineering tasks. Renowned

Renowned takes care of changing the name to all private types, changing the original names descriptive values \u200b\u200bsuch as: "a", "b" "c", etc. In the Renaming tab

be excluded by hand, one by one, methods or properties that explicitly want to leave out the renaming. However, for basic use, this is usually not necessary. With these features enabled, already has a basic protection code source. Now be described as reporting applications include Windows Phone


Add instrumentation, or Analytics Code

addition to protection and obfuscation,

Dotfuscator can add instrumentation to programs.

Both features are independent. Ie can be applied both at once, you can apply protection but not implementation, and vice-versa.

The implementation uses a platform called Preemptive Solutions as

Runtime Intelligence.

What it does is inject into the program that processes certain lines of code whose mission is to generate reports using the same each time it runs, and upload them to the Runtime Intelligence portal (or other), each registered developer to access protected by user name and password. is a very similar behavior to that afforded other analysis platforms in other sectors, such as Google Analytics

on websites, blogs, etc.

The instrumentation is enabled / disabled from the Settings tab

, paragraph Instrumentation (we leave all options enabled-Yes-) Identifying and implementing the company in reports

Obviously, generator Reporting should know what application is reporting, and for business. Both were identified in

Instrumentation tab.

It is necessary to expand the node for the DLL that contains the main application class:

For an application

    XNA, will be one DLL that contains the kind of guy
  • Game For Silverlight application,
  • DLL that will contain the App class
  • Once deployed the node, a list of default attributes, such as the following picture (for example in XNA).

image For the implementation work, it is necessary to add two more, right-clicking on the name of the DLL and selecting the option: Add Attribute

. Once this is done, open a window asking the type of attribute to add, with a series of predefined values:

image The two to be added are:


This attribute identifies the software development company, through a
Company Key

unique provided via email by Preemptive Solutions when it was made registration portal Runtime Intelligence. Can also be found in the portal Dashboard once done login. It is recommended also include a company name.


To identify the application, you must provide the following information:

    Application Type: application type (can leave blank)
  • Guid: ID of the main application assembly. Must be unique, as it will be used in the portal to identify this application. In this field you can use the Guid
  • project, available on its Assembly Info ( accessible from Visual Studio Solution Explorer window or from the Project Properties -> Assembly Info ).
  • Name: Name of the application (you can leave blank, although it is highly recommended)
  • Version: Version of the application (if left blank, the Reporter
  • try to remove metadata assembly-data). indicating where to inject the code
Dotfuscator to indicate where to inject the code that generates the reports, you just have to navigate (without leaving the tab


) a little bit down, and further expand the content of the lower DLL (in this example, the DLL Silverlight: WindowsPhoneApplication1.dll):

image Expanding one after another successive nodes, only remains navigate to the main application class.


    game, this is the kind of game
  • Game In case of a Silverlight application
  • , this is the kind
  • App Report of commencement of
To report the start of a performance, looking for a method that runs only once in the initialization process.
For SilverLight

applications, a prime candidate is the event

Application_Launching App class If an application XNA, a good choice might be the method Initializing Game class. After selecting the method, right-clicking on its name, and select Add Attribute

. Again, we require the type of attribute to add, but this time the list of options is different:

image attribute choice this time is


, which has many parameters that may be left with their default values. Even so, it emphasize these two: Custom Endpoint: Instead of sending the reports to EndPoint by default (the Portal Runtime Intelligence), here you can specify a different custom EndPoint

  • Use SSL: Enable SSL protection
  • for communications
  • Generate reports
  • start a separate thread
If the application you are developing takes time to load (which is typical in XNA games), normal (or more recommended) is to have the initial burden of content in a separate Thread
apart, so that while the burden is produced, can show an animated icon type Loading ...

. In these cases, it is advisable to include the injection of code that reports

thread, if the report

generation takes a little bit because of network or any other (should not). In this way the user experience will not be hindered. If you look at the following example, which is protecting an XNA game, the point executed in a thread

apart is the method called

CreateAssets : implementation report to

If you also want that the reports point out when they stopped using the application, will have to follow a similar procedure adding an attribute to a method that executes when the application is ending.


XNA games
    , the perfect method for this is
  • OnExiting , class Game. For applications
  • SilverLight, a good choice is the event
  • Application_Closing, App class In this case, the attribute type to add is

, which can be left with its default settings. And with that and a biscuit-analytics code at eight


Why Does Wine Cause Palpitations

Presentation of the book A Knife in the honey. Complete Poetry 1960-2010, by Corrado Calabro


Next Tuesday, December 14, 2010 at 20:00 , is hosting the book launch A knife in the honey. Complete Poetry 1960-2010 of Corrado Calabro, published by Editions Sial at English University Foundation (C /. Alcalá, 93, 28009 Madrid. Tel: 91 431 11 93).

Speakers at the event:

Luis Alberto de Cuenca
, poet and Research Professor at CSIC,
Ángel Gómez Moreno, professor of the UCM,
Luis Farnox , composer and poet,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club of Spain, and
the author of the book.

I hope.

Sial Editions
C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53
Email: prensa@sialedicion.es

Corrado Calabro (Reggio Calabria, 1935) entered very young the Judiciary Council of State, who was appointed deputy chairman. Since 2005 he is chairman of the Authority for Guarantees in Communications (AGCOM). His first volume of poems, Prima attesa (Guanda, Parma, 1960) was written between eighteen and twenty years. This was followed by many other volumes, which include the following: Agavi in \u200b\u200bfiore (SEN, Naples, 1976); Vuoto d'aria (Guanda, Milan, 1979 and 1980, three editions), presented above (Vanni Scheiwiller, Milan, 1981); mittent Sconosciuto (Franco Maria Ricci, Milan, 1984); Rosso d'Alicudi (Mondadori, Milan, 1992, three editions, which includes all books published to date); What stesso rischio-Le même risque (Crocetti, Milan, 2000), Le ANCORE infeconde (Pagine, Rome, 2000). In 2002, Mondadori published in the collection "Oscar", under the title Una vita per il suo verso (two editions), a comprehensive sample of his poetry, with an important preface to Dante Maffia. In 2009 came out, also published by Mondadori, La stella promessa. His books Poesie d'amore (Newton & Compton, Roma, 2004) and due amori di T'Amo, thematic anthology of love poems (with a CD that contains 19 poems read by actor Giancarlo Giannini, Vallardi, Milan, 2010), also confirm the success Calabrò public. There numerous translations of his books: three in English, two French, English, Hungarian, Swedish, Ukrainian, a Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Portuguese, Greek, Polish, Danish.

A knife in the honey. Complete Poetry 1960-2010
Corrado Calabrò is a poet who moves freely, that word works in solitude and autonomy, with a seriousness and high level on record, far from the great centers of dynamism and literary partisanship, oblivious to the fashion and aesthetic triumph away from the noise of the cliques. Loyal only to himself and his poetry. Following a host of his first books very favorable criticism, the poetry of Corrado Calabrò suffered a long period of silence due to the freezing of the culture and poetry during the 60's because of the infamous policy of neovanguardistas naif. To Calabrò life through poetry, which bears the signs and scars, but tends to go further, mediumship, as in the evocation of elusive presence and yet we speak, "Undeniably my poetry is about my life but it says a way as any autobiography would be able to speak. He says, melting my life experience with nature, plunging into the sea, entrusting the Wind y. .. love. Love sought and not attained, the love sought and found by serendipity. " Here are the main elements of her poetry inspiring: the sea, wind and love. Calabrò shows a decided preference for closed forms, with intensive use of the pentameter as meter base and the use of enjambment heptasílabo and some other minor transgressions, obtaining high-intensity sound effects. He says that for poetry the metric is as important as breathing heartbeat. The regularity of the metro has given his poetry a musical, a dock, an extraordinary clarity of style. His poetry will be in memory of their readers when they are deleted forever the fleeting fortunes of other poets. Emilio Coco

Hack Mobile Broadband Dongles

Presentation of the book Orison of Oreto, Hector Huertas, Valdepenas

Dear Friends

Next Thursday, December 16, 2010 at 20:00 pm, will be the presentation of the book Orison of Oreto. The Iberian hero of Héctor Huertas, published by Editions Sial, in the Municipal Museum of Valdepeñas (C /. Real 42, 13300 Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real. Tel: 926 31 16 60).

Speakers at the event: Heloise

Verdejo García, a graduate in History and foreword of the book, Martin
Miguel Rubio Esteban, Ph.D. in classical philology and writer,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club of Spain, and
the author of the book.

I hope. Sial

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax:
91 535 70 53 Email: prensa@sialedicion.es

Hector Huertas (Valdepeñas, Ciudad Real, 1942) is Doctor of Medicine from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He recently published The Horseman of La Mancha. Francisco Abad Vest (Sial, 2009) and us today Orison of Oreto. The Iberian hero, a new narrative that is part of the historical novel genre. His literary work, still awaiting publication, covers a wide variety of genres, most notably the novel: Dialogues with memory and memories of good Republican; the theater: The Divine tragicomedy; Poetry: A Portrait of Cecilio, Onyr and Other Poems and Poems sense. He has contributed to Canfali (weekly Valdepeñas, Alcazar de San Juan and Alicante) with a regular column in the latter totaling 180 articles. His research in the field of medicine focuses on his collaboration with the ECEMC (English Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations and CIAC Health Institute Carlos III, Madrid.

Orison of Oreto. The Iberian hero
Although unknown to the public, Orison was a historical figure whose life was spent in the third century BC Briefly cited by Appian in his History of Rome, this regulus urethane Celtiberian met a coalition that defeated the Carthaginians commanded by Hamilcar Barca in the winter of 229-228 a. C. Following that battle, he would die when he retired Amilcar. And here comes the true story of what is known about the character. With so little material has constructed a narrative set in the stormy days of the end of the First Punic War and the beginning of the Second, covering territories on Oretania, Carthage, Sicily and much of the pre-Roman Hispania. The novel invites the reader to travel through towns such as Qart Hadast, Drepanum, Aegadian Islands, Oreto, Castulo Gadir, Carthage, Arse and Barcino, and much of Spain at that time cited in the text. Its ruins are now mere archaeological sites, if not lie beneath the bustle of today's cities. The characters, both real and imagined, are interrelated in this novel immersed in the harsh vicissitudes of an era as far as that and in a context in which the strict historiography and the discreet use of dead languages, and almost forgotten, show through the eyes of the reader as a delicate veil of fantasy fiction.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dry Cervical Mucus During 2ww

New version of Windows Blocks (1.2) uploaded to Windows Phone MarketPlace

i have just uploaded the 1.2 version of Windows Blocks. It's waiting for validation, and Will Be available soon (probably tomorrow). It Several fixes bugs found in the game, Especially related to slow response of the main menu. Captura5 Hope you all like it!


ago about

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Juicy Couture 15 Laptop Case

The curious history of the old Peugeot RCZ Estella

(or rather an almost final version) of Peugeot RCZ flowing through our land. It was something remarkable at that time, and it was not yet on the market. I remember

discussed with friends the reason for the presence of the car ... "If you have been Peugeot technicians to try it for this land ..." "What if they would be rolling in the Circuit

Los Arcos, the imminent opening" ... "If you probably attracted by the good wine ..."

Interestingly, soon after that, all we were surprised to see the following story published in the newspaper: "The A-12 is not a test track"


It is related that had been caught red-handed a guy (who spoke in English) with an amazing sport, 210 km / h on the A-12. Special emphasis is placed on what the police were shocked that Councils with the car and the driver, despite having claimed to be doing tests with the vehicle (owned by Peugeot Europe), was arrested and spent the night in jail.

Here is the proof of the crime (photo radar):

Now comes the good

Imagen captada por el radar de la Policía Foral, en el km. 58,9 de la Autovía del Camino, en Los Arcos.

... It is wrong to believe they were driving a Peugeot technicians

Easter all our roads. Viewing the video below, it is possible that in reality was nothing more and nothing less than a compilation of

Jason Plato (Graham, to be exact), host of Fifth Gear (my second program bugas favorite after its competitor Top Gear). As we got wrong was not the wine, because as you can see, the program was recorded around the winery Marqués de Riscal (Frank Gheri) in El Ciego. The French brand offered those days there for a presentation to the press car

Given these startling facts, I can only paraphrase my dear
B. Bender Rodriguez

"Now I understand ... and fall ... Since I fit the pieces of the puzzle. The rise, the dwarf book club that copies my opinions ... It all fits! I must say this has opened my eyes! Another case solved, my dear Watson. Was blind but now I see.

And I pull the blanket! "

We can not say it was someone from Fifth Gear who committed the offense, and that surely there were more reporters in the press pass, but could be .... could be ...

More info: Sonrisa



Friday, December 10, 2010

Impetigo And Hair Pichrs

Gran Turismo 5 - The real driving simulator - ja ja jaaaaaaa Jaaaa ....

this video:

If a dog drive Lamborghini Gallardo at 150 km / h with Nissan GTR On Its roof ... that Means Something ... Probably;)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Romantic Couple Clips

Experience a new dimension of mobility with Windows Phone 7



December 14 you can live a new experience as far as mobility is concerned. To this day we bring

Windows 7 Developer Hub Phone the CES, where we will have:

  • Eduardo Ortega, MVP belongs to

    Mobility Center Innovation in Mobility Microsoft

  • Elizabeth Gomez, Evans
  • Software Makers at Microsoft

  • Iñaki Ayucar
  • , the DirectX MVP / XNA and a founder of the firm


With Phone 7

Windows Microsoft has given a new dimension to your mobility platform, in addition to the business area focusing on the personal. Introducing " Experiences" as Xbox Live, social networking, dynamic environments, etc ... The aforementioned event will show how to develop productive environments, dynamic and high performance to achieve rich user interfaces using applications based on Silverlight

WP7 . other hand, you can see the development of 3D games based on the XNA platform

, where Hardware takes full advantage provided by Windows Phone terminals 7, which allows us to enjoy the experience XBOX LIVE with a higher level of performance. For more information about the event here

access .

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gay Waxing In Bangkok

In the global day of the fight against AIDS

The Vertex participated with other artists in a day of prevention and awareness in relation to the international day of struggle against AIDS organized the Commission on Gender and Sexual Diversity Project South Movement Mercedes. To this end, delivered a speech in the Plaza San Martín, installing a bed with a red bedspread and a heart drawn with condoms. There were also two interactive proposals: a panel with masks and holes where public could "come forward" and take a picture, and also a successful 'career enforrados "where children and adults are engaged with humor and cool.
worked on this project: María del Pilar Martínez Liebana, César Lalla, Antonio Garelli, Anabel Piñeiro, María Eugenia Scioli, Maria Luciana Scioli and Rodrigo Farías.
grateful to The Lemon for providing the site and tools.

Marco Polo Pastabella Italia

Presentation of the book Life, Sandy Garcia

Dear Friends

Next Friday, December 3, 2010 at 22:30 , will the presentation of the book Life of Sandy Garcia, published by Editions Sial, at the Ateneo de Madrid (C /. del Prado, 21, 28014 Madrid. Tel: 91 429 74 42 .) Speakers in

the act:

Miguel Losada, poet and coordinator of the cycle,
Branca Vilela, poet, Cristina Bergoglio
, poet and foreword of the book,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club of Spain, and
the author of the book.

I hope.

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53
Email: prensa@sialedicion.es

Sandy Garcia has traveled many cities and has been for half his life in New York, which has set up his personality and literary style. Studied economics in the U.S. a Masters in Business Administration in Human Resources at the Instituto Superiore Direzione aziendale in Italy and a Master of Business School of Madrid. She has held positions of particular importance in international banking and multinational communication.
is part of the Academy of the melancholy of the Ateneo de Madrid, is a founding member of the PEN Club of Spain and has been anthologized in The Voice and Writing (2006) and Caught in the net ... Friendship (2009). Footprints has published poems (2003) and Shadow (2005). With Life closes a trilogy in which a review of its existential and emotional life and literary career.
His unflinching poetic vocation leads to plunge into a creative process relating dotted Anglo-Saxon, Eastern and Latin, which translates into a very personal and definite.

Sandy appears in the liturgy of my senses like a potter's soul. To remind me water and I, Life and I, and I are existence embraced. She invites you to the dampness of the waterfall, of the divine to human and gives you a nothing in his verses full of everything. When you wash flowing, Sandy and reminds you think will be your water. And existential feel will build your lakes, your experience falls. Sandy wants to warn you with lyrics that have a message and essence that you print on your mental water, will form and asks you to take care of that source of thought. For all the ways to bring your eyes, are worthy of Water. We advertised in one of its consolidated verses that spit death is life. You are not alone tells you, just do not know, "loneliness is the dark side of ignorance." Invites you "to the rebel army captain" for acunarte inundarte in abundance and the attitude of the hero. He asks you to take care of your neighbor when you speak because "every word has a life." CRISTINA


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Most Popular Panty Hose

Presentation of the book There is a place of green apricots

Dear Friends

Next Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 19:00 , will the presentation of the book There is a place of green apricots published by Pygmalion Edypro at the Café Libertad 8 (C /. of Liberty 8, 28004 Madrid. Tel: 91 532 in November 1950).

Speakers at the event: Sanctum

Núñez, author and foreword of the book,
green Apricots: Gonzalo Benito , Maria Cabrera, Cano Natacha , Luis Criado , Alberto Guerra, Adrian Lopez , Alba López and Ruben Silva,
and Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club Spain.

I hope. Pygmalion

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53
Email: info@pigmalionedypro.es

green Apricots
We are a group of friends we met two years ago at a literary workshop: the beginning of a story of words and dreams. The crossing of eight convergent.
Since then, we walked together. In any corner Madrid, between sunset and endless conversations, we make the simple into something great.
Today, the illusion brings us to you. Our texts want to run around town, feel, intertwined in your hands, be dance partners.
In each verse, each stanza, in every story you will discover a piece of us. This ebb and flow of words, there is a place where we meet.

There is a place
Comprehensive Youth Centre 14.30 Youth Space, part of the Community of Madrid, was launched in 2003, fully operational until 2008. Located in the neighborhood of Entrevías (Vallecas district) during those years became in a cultural enclave and training of first order, under the coordination of Lola Ballesteros and a team of emergency (Gonzálvez Manuela, Alberto Aradillas Mamen Solomon, etc.). The DACoRD
I had the pleasure of giving numerous workshops and participate in various activities: Animation Workshop reading, body language, written communication, public speaking, creative writing ... Also, I was sworn in different editions of the poetry contest instantly and co-organizer of the event "The best dish for the best story, in Book Week castizo district of Madrid. These courses and activities involving several hundred young people who enabled me to enjoy and learn from their enormous enthusiasm and valuable contributions intellectual, literary and creative. And in that context, the last Workshop Short Story and Poetry I taught, I met-and met-the group of eight storytellers and poets who are part of the collective green apricots, who adopted this aptly named after analyzing a story in class Nunez Tabernacle serves the same title. Since then, the narrator and poet Murcia has become patron of the group.
Somehow, these young men, all born in the eighties, enthusiastic and represent the work of a somewhat quixotic handful of officials, workers, teachers and students of that institution, now undergoing conversion or disappearance. Apricots
born as green-minded literary group continuity, for two years after its "founding" maintain a strong bond of friendship and close cooperation, fueling a collective web (www.albaricoquesverdes.com) and reinforcing their literary vocations. Although different styles, and even working a different genre (mainly short stories and poetry), the works of these eight artists (Gonzalo Benito, Ruben Silva, Maria Cabrera, Alberto Guerra, Alba Lopez, Adrian Lopez Luis Criado and Natacha Cano) share a common goal: to remain faithful testimony of a generation and a time reference (first decade of the third millennium), and also at a time of great uncertainty and change, reflecting the start of a new cycle.
Although from very different latitudes: Burgos, Leon, Almeria and Madrid, these "apricots" share a language and particularly the urban aesthetic, addressing issues that reflect the experiences, concerns, hopes and disappointments of young people, and by extension of our own society. Stories and poems
including There is a place of green apricots, are a tasty treat literary you, dear reader, you should not stop savoring. Because, although the first of this season, will seem juicy and tasty.

Basilio Rodríguez Cañada

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Check your English ...

included below, are my personal hero ...


"Three witches watch three Swatch watches. What

witch watch which watch? " In English:

" Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which Which witch watch Swatch watch? "MODULE ADVANCED

" Three witches 'transvestites' buttons look three Swatch watches. Which witch watch the buttons which Swatch watch?

" In English:

" Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which Which switched witch watch Swatch watch switch? "


" Three Swedish switched witches watch three buttons Swiss Swatch watches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which button which Swiss Swatch watch? " In English:

" Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch Swatch watch Swiss watch Which switch? "


Monday, November 29, 2010

He Asked Me To Show His Friend My Boobs

Book presentation of Disasters war, Manuel Martín

Dear Friends

Next Tuesday, November 30, 2010 , at 20.00 hours , is hosting the book launch disasters of war of Manuel Martín , published by Editions Sial at English University Foundation (C /. Alcalá, 93, 28009 Madrid. Tel: 91 431 11 93).

Speakers at the event: Gustavo Villapalos
Salas, a professor at the Universidad Complutense and foreword of the book,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club of Spain, and
the author the book.

I hope. Sial

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53
Email: prensa@sialedicion.es

Manuel Martín Sánchez (Ávila) graduated in Law at the Universidad Complutense. The last twenty years has worked as Manager of the English University Foundation, dedicated to promoting the humanities in the university. Contributor to various cultural radio programs, has published the following books: Dictionary of English slang (Tellus, 1997), which gathers several thousand words and colloquial phrases, used for teaching English at different universities in Europe and Japan. Researcher of our traditional folklore, published, mythical creatures and magical characters English (Edaf, Essay, 2002) which is systematized and grouped for the first time about two thousand English popular imaginary beings. He is the author of a trilogy which includes novels, balneo (Edaf Narrative, 2003), The procession of lost souls (was 2008) and The Fountain (Was, 2009). Also as a collector is the author of two books of proverbs: The best sayings for everyone and almost everything, (Random House Mondadori, 2003) and Proverbs for daily life (Edaf, 2004).

disasters of war
The peaceful life of Martin, a young servant of the painter Goya, breaks suddenly one morning in May 1808, when he suddenly finds himself involved in the disturbances that occur against the Royal Palace of Madrid, the French soldiers fired into the crowd gathered there. Flee to the neighboring Puerta del Sol to meet the locals that crowd fight fiercely against the soldiers of Napoleon. Seeing that the clashes have spread throughout the city, fearing for the safety of his girlfriend, Manuela Malasaña, runs in your search, found refuge with his father in the Park Monteleón. Since that time, Martin will be inadvertently caught in a spiral of violence that will not be released until many years later, during which seek to comply with a terrible oath of vengeance that drowns and a curse. Wellington, The Determined, Fernando VII or Jovellanos, are some of the characters they will encounter in their hectic life adventure that Goya set out in a series of eighty-two master prints that have gone down in history as The Disasters of War , sum and summary of the trail of horror and evil that creates any conflict.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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Platonic Solids Glossary

Solid: Solid A body is one of the four aggregation states of matter , characterized in that resists changes in shape and volume.

Platonic: Plato The word refers to something on the Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC). Plato in Greek and is the root Πλάτων πλατος (plates = broad, flat) found in words such as plate and silver.
Platonic Solid: The Platonic solids, also known as Platonic bodies , cosmic bodies, Pythagorean solids or polyhedra Plato are characterized as geometric polyhedra convex whose faces are equal regular polygons and whose vertices are attached to the same number of faces.

Polyhedron: A polyhedron is a solid flat surfaces (the word comes from Greek, poly meaning "many" and "edro means" face "). Each flat face (just "face") is a polygon. So to be a polyhedron need not have any curved surface .

Convex : The convexity of a curve or area is the area that resembles the exterior of a circle or a spherical surface.

convex polyhedron: A polyhedron convex is one in which the segment joining any two points is contained in the polyhedron.
Polygon : plane geometric figure bounded by a closed traverse is not cut herself.

Regular Polygon: Polygon in which all sides are of equal length and all angles are confined in a circle.
Vertex : In geometry, vertex is point where the two attend rays that form an angle .
Convex: Describes surface has its central part with respect to the observer outstanding .

Tetrahedron: A tetrahedron is a polyhedron with four faces. With this number of heads is bound to be a convex polyhedron, and triangular faces, three of them were found at each vertex.

hexahedron: A hexahedron is a polyhedron with six faces. With this number of heads is bound to be a convex polyhedron, and their faces are to be five-sided polygons or less.

Octahedron: An octahedron is a polyhedron with eight faces. With this number of faces can be a convex polyhedron or a concave polyhedron. Their faces are to be seven-sided polygons or less.

Dodecahedron: A dodecahedron is a twelve-sided polyhedron, convex or concave. Their faces are to be polygon of eleven sides or less.

Icosahedron: An icosahedron is a twenty-sided polyhedron, convex or concave. Their faces are to be nineteen-sided polygons or less.

Prisma: A prism is a polyhedron composed of two equal and parallel faces called bases, and lateral faces are parallelograms.

Parallelogram: A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral (polygon has four sides) whose sides are parallel in pairs.

Angle: The plane formed by two or lines that intersect. Is the form or content between two visual to two stars. The angular distance is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds of arc. A circumference measures 360 º. One degree equals 60 '(minutes) and 1' is equal to 60 "(seconds).

Arista: Arista (Latin: groin) is on the line segment geometry where two planes intersect. By extension also known by this name to the common segment with two neighboring faces of a polyhedron, and form to get in touch.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Dongle Cubase Sx3 Mac

One of the exhibits in the Cultural Hotel Vistalba
Cyclists have been the focus of the series "Speed \u200b\u200band Color" by artist César Lalla. The work that reproduces the photo above was exposed months ago as part of a retrospective exhibition in the Cultural Hotel Vistalba Mercedes city.