Saturday, December 11, 2010

Juicy Couture 15 Laptop Case

The curious history of the old Peugeot RCZ Estella

(or rather an almost final version) of Peugeot RCZ flowing through our land. It was something remarkable at that time, and it was not yet on the market. I remember

discussed with friends the reason for the presence of the car ... "If you have been Peugeot technicians to try it for this land ..." "What if they would be rolling in the Circuit

Los Arcos, the imminent opening" ... "If you probably attracted by the good wine ..."

Interestingly, soon after that, all we were surprised to see the following story published in the newspaper: "The A-12 is not a test track"


It is related that had been caught red-handed a guy (who spoke in English) with an amazing sport, 210 km / h on the A-12. Special emphasis is placed on what the police were shocked that Councils with the car and the driver, despite having claimed to be doing tests with the vehicle (owned by Peugeot Europe), was arrested and spent the night in jail.

Here is the proof of the crime (photo radar):

Now comes the good

Imagen captada por el radar de la Policía Foral, en el km. 58,9 de la Autovía del Camino, en Los Arcos.

... It is wrong to believe they were driving a Peugeot technicians

Easter all our roads. Viewing the video below, it is possible that in reality was nothing more and nothing less than a compilation of

Jason Plato (Graham, to be exact), host of Fifth Gear (my second program bugas favorite after its competitor Top Gear). As we got wrong was not the wine, because as you can see, the program was recorded around the winery Marqués de Riscal (Frank Gheri) in El Ciego. The French brand offered those days there for a presentation to the press car

Given these startling facts, I can only paraphrase my dear
B. Bender Rodriguez

"Now I understand ... and fall ... Since I fit the pieces of the puzzle. The rise, the dwarf book club that copies my opinions ... It all fits! I must say this has opened my eyes! Another case solved, my dear Watson. Was blind but now I see.

And I pull the blanket! "

We can not say it was someone from Fifth Gear who committed the offense, and that surely there were more reporters in the press pass, but could be .... could be ...

More info: Sonrisa


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