Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Marco Polo Pastabella Italia

Presentation of the book Life, Sandy Garcia

Dear Friends

Next Friday, December 3, 2010 at 22:30 , will the presentation of the book Life of Sandy Garcia, published by Editions Sial, at the Ateneo de Madrid (C /. del Prado, 21, 28014 Madrid. Tel: 91 429 74 42 .) Speakers in

the act:

Miguel Losada, poet and coordinator of the cycle,
Branca Vilela, poet, Cristina Bergoglio
, poet and foreword of the book,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the PEN Club of Spain, and
the author of the book.

I hope.

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123 - 3. No Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53

Sandy Garcia has traveled many cities and has been for half his life in New York, which has set up his personality and literary style. Studied economics in the U.S. a Masters in Business Administration in Human Resources at the Instituto Superiore Direzione aziendale in Italy and a Master of Business School of Madrid. She has held positions of particular importance in international banking and multinational communication.
is part of the Academy of the melancholy of the Ateneo de Madrid, is a founding member of the PEN Club of Spain and has been anthologized in The Voice and Writing (2006) and Caught in the net ... Friendship (2009). Footprints has published poems (2003) and Shadow (2005). With Life closes a trilogy in which a review of its existential and emotional life and literary career.
His unflinching poetic vocation leads to plunge into a creative process relating dotted Anglo-Saxon, Eastern and Latin, which translates into a very personal and definite.

Sandy appears in the liturgy of my senses like a potter's soul. To remind me water and I, Life and I, and I are existence embraced. She invites you to the dampness of the waterfall, of the divine to human and gives you a nothing in his verses full of everything. When you wash flowing, Sandy and reminds you think will be your water. And existential feel will build your lakes, your experience falls. Sandy wants to warn you with lyrics that have a message and essence that you print on your mental water, will form and asks you to take care of that source of thought. For all the ways to bring your eyes, are worthy of Water. We advertised in one of its consolidated verses that spit death is life. You are not alone tells you, just do not know, "loneliness is the dark side of ignorance." Invites you "to the rebel army captain" for acunarte inundarte in abundance and the attitude of the hero. He asks you to take care of your neighbor when you speak because "every word has a life." CRISTINA



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