Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Otome Stream Valkyrie

Madrid Presentation of the book The lawyer, Papiniano, translated from Greek by Javier Jiménez-Ugarte, Valladolid

Dear Friends

The Thursday February 10, 2011 , at 20:00 pm , is hosting the book launch Counsel of Papiniano, translated from Greek by Javier Jiménez -Ugarte, published by Editions Sial in Valladolid Bar (C /. Torrecilla, 1. 47003 Valladolid. Tel: 983 320 540).

Speakers at the event:

Mark Sexton Dam, Rector of the University of Valladolid,
Jesus Verdugo Alonso, Dean of the Bar Association Valladolid,
San Pedro Luis Velasco , Dean of the Faculty of Law, Valladolid,
Felipe Martínez-Sagarra , President of the Club of Opinion Santiago Alba,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , Editor and President of the PEN Club of Spain, and
Javier Jiménez-Ugarte , diplomat and translator of the work.

I hope. Sial


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Email: prensa@sialedicion.es
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Javier Jiménez-Ugarte (Madrid, 1947) graduated in Law from the Complutense University and Assistant Professor of International Law . He joined the Diplomatic Service in 1972. He has held various overseas destinations: Embassy of Spain in Cairo, Rome and Permanent Representative to NATO in Brussels and the headquarters of the Ministry: Director, Office of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Secretary General Technical Director General of the Ibero-American Cooperation. Subsequently, he was appointed Ambassador of Spain in Algeria and in Athens. Back in Madrid, was elected Secretary General for Defence Policy in the Ministry of Defence until 2004. After passing through the Office of Policy Planning of Foreign Policy of MAEC was Consul General in Nador, Tetouan and Larache. He is currently Consul General of Spain in Edinburgh. Real Travel has written to Greece (2003), Consular and Immigration Practice (2007). During his stay in Tetouan decided to translate from Greek to English this delightful work.

Onasis Coming across the top of one's career is certainly a stroke of luck, more significance even if, as in this case, the great man of internationally renowned company decides to take the task to develop you and introduce you to the magic world of international finance. In reading The Advocate, one finds that Onassis was continually teaching others not only on financial issues but also on issues of everyday life. Aristotle Onassis, son of Socrates, lived many years in Argentina and spoke English as well as Greek, using both languages \u200b\u200binterchangeably. The author believes that the English translation of The Advocate is a great contribution to the memory of Onassis as possible for English speakers will know closely charismatic personality of that great man. J. Tryfon

"Papiniano (Dr. Tryfon Koutalidis) was born in 1934 and dreamed of becoming an architect, but he was forced to study law. He did his Ph.D. in Aviation Law, which used very little since then joined the "University Onasis' where he majored in finance contracts. His apprenticeship finished him off in the "Academy Karamanlis." He has written essays on legal topics and has worked as a journalist in legal issues with economic content.


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