Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Does A Low Lymphocyte Count Mean

OTURIA (1921 m.)

Huesca minus 5 degrees at 8 am. Monrepós least 4. Sabiñánigo least 12. We thought we had hit bottom with the thermometer, but no. In Javierre the Bishop (872 m), place of departure, the thermometer surprises us less nde 13.5 degrees. A phenomenal day to stay in bed. The route we will do today, which will coincide with the vertical kilometer Oturia. We have before us a little over 1000 m. of positive slope and 6 km away. Our friend Samuel decides to climb also the same place, but running. A cost him 59 minutes to reach the top. To us 2 hours.
This is the description indicating the BLOG Samuel the Vertical Kilometer:
Javierre Since the first 150m are to pick up asphalt and the ascent to the summit. A piece of mountain road to stretch through where other predominantly Salagon 150m away, where if the ground is wet, the shoes we can charge a little mud. From here the climb becomes a clear path dominated rock songs and loose rock, which does not prevent it running at pace. To Sta Orosia the trail ascends between zigzags and pine forest. At the top of the grass for about 200m the road slope and looking lost in thickets and Bojes way to attack and steep peak Oturia about 350m with 1921m of vertical height between loose rock and mountain meadow , where part of the climb has an angle of approximately 20%. Despite the punishment which was subject on the thermometer, the morning was fantastic to ride around the bush .
Dry weather, glorious sunshine and 2 degrees below zero at the top.
The descent to perform circular Satue. Path coincides with a decrease of Puyada to Oturia. Beautiful path that leads through pines, sometimes crossing the ravine of the gorges, to Satue, where we get one of the jewels of Romanesque Serrablo S. Church Pedro de Lárrede (s. X). Few
Satué meters after leaving a clear path to the right, we will bring in a few minutes Javierre. PHOTOS



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