Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Carolina Cell Respiration

literary dialogues of George M. Book presentation Christopher (Jorge Sedeño)

Dear Friends

Thursday March 10, 2011 at 19:30 , will be presented book Protector of George M. Christopher , published by Editions Sial, in FNAC Callao (C /. Preciados, 28, 28013, Madrid. Tel: 91 595 61 44).

Speakers at the event:

Clemente Rodriguez, writer,
José Menéndez, former Supreme Court Justice and author,
Basilio Rodríguez Cañada , editor and president of the Pen Club Spain,
and Jorge Sedeño , heteronym the author.

I hope.

C /. Bravo Murillo, 123, 3. º Left.

28020 Madrid Phone: 91 535 41 13 - Fax: 91 535 70 53
Email: Web

George M.
Christopher (1969), former elite athlete. He graduated from Wake Forest University (USA) in 1992 with a Bachelor of Science with honors Cum Laude. He holds a Master International MBA from the Institute of Business Administration in collaboration with the University of Granada and University of Bordeaux in France. He served for years as director of a utilities holding company, until his literary vocation led him to decide to leave everything to devote himself exclusively to the writer's craft. He has worked very diverse business activities, without ever stop writing, which have led to real-estate business, entertainment, hospitality, etc. Currently owns and operates several service companies. Is a regular contributor to several master's degrees in Spain.


After the grotesque appearance a number of corpses of wealthy businessmen fiercely mutilated along the east coast of the United States, the FBI is forced to intervene by putting at the forefront of research brighter agent, Anthony Smithson, and his collaborator, Lee Jay attractive W
Due to unstoppable destruction of the planet, survival of dyarik, the last cutter head, is again in danger. Manlike, King and High Priest of his people, has undertaken a prodigious transformation that will take, he thinks, to the salvation of his people, who are hidden in the innermost corner of the forests of northeastern Borneo. In a few years, this bloodthirsty warrior evolves from the darkness of the Neolithic to the even more dangerous world of the Global Economy, in which he has immersed himself with a prodigious success.
As Machiavelli, manlike, with ruthless loyalty oath, prepared for years as ancestral processes, argues that the end justifies the means in his crusade against the destruction of the planet.
The Protector is a novel that will make us wonder about the limits of self defense. Because, how far would be willing to go if we saw our families in danger or our people? Would we kill? And if we did, "feel something like remorse, or believe to be, nothing more, doing our duty? Clemente Rodriguez


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